Sell Websites - Sell Domains

Do you want to sell your website or your domain name?

Mobi Analyzer allows people to sell your website or domain name and allows people to contact you who may be interested in your website or domain.

To tell people that you may sell your website or sell a domain name with a good offer, follow these instructions.

  1. Register/Login on Mobi Analyzer
  2. Check your Website/Domain on Mobi Analyzer
  3. After analysis and calculation of your website price are done, click the "Claim your Website/Domain" link under the Widgets section at the bottom of the page.
  4. The site verification page opens. Put the HTML code on your website's main (root) page, enter the information, and click the "Verify" button. If verification is done successfully, then fill out the form, and your website or domain will start to sell on Mobi Analyzer.
  5. Check the Domain/Website listed on the Buy Websites page.
  6. Wait for people to contact you. If anyone is interested in your Website/Domain name, you will receive an email from your potential buyer, including his or her contact information.

Check Websites and Domains on sale